Military Robotics and Autonomous Systems USA Conference

Take your place at the Military Robotics and Autonomous Systems USA Conference on July 7-9, 2025, in Arlington, VA.

100+ Attendees | 3 Day Conference | 25+ Speakers |  Dedicated Networking Opportunities

Don't miss out on the premier US event uniting ground robotics experts! Join us for an unparalleled opportunity to network and collaborate with dynamic international militaries, offering unique perspectives on the latest advancements in robotic capabilities.

Advanced Manufacturing for Defense Summit

  • Hear from leading experts across the Additive Manufacturing supply chain and get involved in discussing some of the key challenges facing professionals in this sector
  • Understand how to integrate new materials, processes and technologies into your manufacturing process in order to maximise cost savings and efficiency
  • Hear from industry leaders on how cutting-edge collaborative industrial research projects are advancing opportunities of additive manufacturing
  • Gain insight into the latest thinking on AM trends that


Join us at MILSATCOM 2025, where connections are made, insights are gained, and the future of military satellite communications is shaped.
Leading experts will share insights on vital topics, including COMSATCOM, Spectrum Management, International Strategies, and more.

Delve into the intricacies of SATCOM for Naval and Amphibious Applications and US Army Requirements.

Positioned as the perfect mid-year meeting place, MILSATCOM USA is your opportunity to forge meaningful connections efficiently with top-tier experts, all gathered in one place at one time.

4th Annual Joint Fires Summit

The 4th annual Joint Fires Summit will bring together DoD, Military Services, Combatant Commands, Acquisition Authorities, Industry, and Academia to discuss how they are jointly working toward fielding next-gen, surface-to-surface precision fires that will significantly increase range, effects, and lethality over current systems. This forum will further examine innovative fires initiatives and technologies that are being integrated across all domains in a dynamic, highly competitive operational environment.

2025 Air Dominance Summit

As near-peer adversaries advance their capabilities, achieving and maintaining air dominance has become critical to overall defense strategy. To secure superiority in the skies, there is an increasing need for enhanced lethality and survivability. This advancement is possible through the integration of cutting-edge technologies, including real-time data for faster and more effective decision-making, Artificial Intelligence, advanced sensors, next-generation weapons, and Manned-Unmanned Teaming (MUM-T).

ICO/ICC/IDO Industry Day

Thank you for expressing your interest in in attending the inagural industry day, co-sponsored by DAF's Integrated Capabilities Office (ICO), USAF's Integrated Capabilities Command(ICC), and AFMC's Integrated Development Office(IDO), hosted by the Future Force Collaboration Center (F2C2). Throughout the course of the day, we hope to provide potential mission partners with tools to best integrate into future acquisition and development progrqams for the US Air Force and Space Force.


The Air Force Capability Development Industry Information Day is a process-focused, non-technical informational event. The goal of this event is to provide participants insight into how the Air Force has evolved the way it develops capabilities in response to the Department’s re-optimization for Great Power Competition (GPC) and to create a stronger foundation for further collaboration in the future. The event will: