Sharing Your Idea is Easy!
You will need to register and provide the following information:
- Email Address
- First and Last Name
- Country (optional)
- State (optional)
If you have previously registered, input your email address on the following page and a one-time login code (valid for 15min) will be sent to your email.
To share your idea, you will need to provide the following information:
- Who you are or who you represent (Options provided: Academia, Government Agency, Individual, Industry, International, Small Business, Other)
- Why you are submitting (Options are provided. If none are appropriate, you can provide 10 - 100 characters of additional text by selecting Other)
- A title for your idea (will be used for follow-up communication: 10 - 50 characters)
- If this an AFRL Regional Hub submission, begin idea title with Regional Hub:
- Description of your idea by answering the following questions. Address additional prompts below each question when crafting your response.
- What problem is this solving?
- How does the proposed idea address a gap in the science and technology market?
- Does the proposed idea meet a specific Air Force and/or Space Force identified need (review DAF Operational Imperatives here and include any alignment)?
- Who experiences the problem?
- Are you already working with the Department of the Air Force, an Air Force Research Laboratory organization, or an Air Force/Space Force subject matter expert? If so, who and what is the contract number?
- Who in the Air Force and/or Space Force would benefit most from your idea?
- Who is using your solution now? (Commercial solution? Another DoD service?)
- How will you solve the problem?
- What is the current stage of development? Please provide a technical, detailed explanation to include data if applicable.
- What new manufacturing technology/approach or scientific principle are you leveraging?
- Why is this a better solution?
- Outline key features or benefits that differentiate this proposed idea or concept from existing technology options and include data to support your claim.
- What difference will it make?
- What are the quantifiable benefits?
- How will success be measured?
- Select a Disclosure Agreement
Before you share your idea, we encourage you to browse current Science and Technology opportunities and connect with us at an event.
After you share your idea, you will get an auto-generated email confirming submission and receipt of your idea. Then, our Tech Connect Team reviews ALL submissions and connects you with open Science and Technology opportunities and/or Science and Technology technical experts for a technical evaluation. The Tech Connect Team will follow up after the evaluation and provide feedback within one week.
Share an Idea!
Click below to begin sharing your idea with Air Force and Space Force Tech Connect!
* You will navigate to a new site.

Choose Your Way To Connect
Find Science and Technology Opportunities, Events and Websites or Share an Idea!